Saturday, 15 September 2001


[Ni un Arp]

It was a harp, but it did not sound
It was a grave but there was no body
It was a Ship-burial but there was no ship.

Inspired by the Vespasian Psalter and the Sutton Hoo Harp.
Size ca 41x17cm (16” according to C.L. Wrenn, "Sutton Hoo and Beowulf", Notre Dame 1963). No sounding board, therefore not a harp.

Friday, 22 June 2001

Thursday, 19 April 2001


The idea - an image not bigger than 4cms-scanned from a children's book

The plan- a tiny sketch - just to get the look and feel of it

The result-made from a discarded meranti doorpost. Not exactly authentic, but it worked.Posted by Picasa

Monday, 15 January 2001

Rices weard

the Guardian of the Realm
Suggested by the Nydam ship figure, displayed (replica?) at the Frisian museum exhibition "Koningen van de Noordzee" [2000]
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