Monday, 31 December 2012
Friday, 23 November 2012
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Saint Nicholas Icon - Nikolay Ugodnik
Lettering done, with minor corrections |
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Sunday, 11 November 2012
Monday, 5 November 2012
XAHC u святой Николай
(Hans and Saint Nicholas)
4 November 2012 SketchesI managed to make a panel from the wolmanized wood, and this is to become the icon board.
The icon on the postcard is called Saint Nicolas of the Door
He is supposed to be the patron of domestic bliss
XAHC would be the cyrillic transcription of my given name, matching the average Russian pronunciation of it.
Monday, 22 October 2012
Raw material
Very ugly wolmanized wood
Wolmanized wood.
Poisonous green with deathly black and yet -
there is that fleshy pink vein of Life shining through.
Not easy to work with, but not without potential
Wolmanized wood.
Poisonous green with deathly black and yet -
there is that fleshy pink vein of Life shining through.
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Toussiana [Burkina Faso]
Croquis 20-10-2012 0:26
Le masque cache autant qu’il révèle, « nie autant qu’il affirme » selon la formulation de Claude Lévi-Strauss. Bien souvent détenteur d’un secret, il tait, en effet, ce que seuls les initiés doivent savoir.
Son pouvoir relève aussi de sa capacité à incarner un esprit, lien entre l’homme et les ancêtres, le monde visible et celui de l’invisible. Il est inséparable d’un contexte mythique qui structure le mode d’existence et de pensée de la plupart des sociétés traditionnelles.
Au cœur de la vie d’un groupe ou d’une communauté, le masque, intercesseur indispensable, est toujours actif.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
It was the 2010 elections that started the idea...
The sketch was made -again- during a meeting
See earlier post
Feathers without faces
Faces in the making
Today's Little Black Face

Monday, 2 July 2012
Another Featherface in the making, after W107
The sketchings were made during an immensely boring meeting
Masque du Jour,
Sunday, 1 July 2012
The Man with the Child in His Eyes
I want the eyes to be compassionate.
To the left there is a quick sketch, made after carving had started.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Hantsje Pik
After a medieval grotesque
Prune, 30.5 cm
Nearly finished
St Lawrence Church
Frisian: Laurentiustsjerke
Dutch: Laurentiuskerk
More about Hantsje Pik [in Frisian]
8821 Kimswerd, Nederland
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Kimswert - Laurentiustsjerke
Saturday, 5 May 2012
George and the Dragon
Георгий Победоносец
George the Victor
Leningrad, Nevskij Prospekt, March 1990
The miracle of George and the dragon
I visited Leningrad in March 1990, and it was a revelation. It was a bit of a shock however, to notice that everything centered around obtaining hard currency. Quite a different story from what we had learnt in school about communism. This was the USSR undergoing Perestroika.
Anyway, I bought this lacquer brooch from a street vendor for very little money, 5 or 10 guilders or deutschmarks, I don't even remember.
We also went tot the Russian Museum, where I learnt about the Novgorod school of icon painting, with its characteristic use of red and green - more or less as used on my icon brooch.
Later I came to meet Sister Florentia in the City of Groningen. She was a nun, a retired teacher and had taken up icon painting as a hobby. She told that for her, icon painting had become a way of living a contemplating life. Contemplation was essential for appreciating icons, she said (or words to that matter). When I told her that I was a non-believer she remarked that, nevertheless, there was something very special about this icon and me: this was a token of this unique experience of making such a special trip to an exotic place (that's what it was in those days).
Such true words, such a wise woman.
And now for something completely different:
A drunk man knocks on the door of an inn known as St.
George and the Dragon. The landlady answers. "Is George in?" asks the
In the early eighties, my neighbour John Nolan from Wigan(Lancs)
used to tell this joke.
Monday, 9 April 2012
Easter 2012
Started as a sea turtle, it is getting rather iconic now.
And I fear that another personal Jesus may creep out of the wood.
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Saturday, 10 March 2012
It's done, done, done!
Did the oiling today [linseed oil]
I used common box for the "moustache" as palm branches are a little hard to get here.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Finished the "spikes" yesterday, did an eye-job today. Just some final sandpapering and oiling left to be done.
Friday, 2 March 2012
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Heathohlaewe - word of the day
Wednesday, 29 February 2012

It came at last, this codex of codices
word-wondrous and winding, hiding
still self-contained secrets pointing at
enigmatic mores, murder, past
from the distant dark dream-time ...
Today I got my Electronic Beowulf, which really made time stand still. It was the same kind of feeling as when I found that second-hand Klaeber, way back in the eighties.
Nobody had heard of Kiernan in those days, which is really astonishing. What puzzled me though, while still believing in an early date, was the fact that somebody around the year 1000 AD deliberately spent a substantial amount of vellum on this text.
I vaguely remember seeing the MS in the British museum and me reading it aloud.
I remember my teacher of Old-English having a facsimile - a Zupitza reprint I believe - which seemed totally out of reach for me.
That was nearly thirty years ago.
I vaguely remember seeing the MS in the British museum and me reading it aloud.
I remember my teacher of Old-English having a facsimile - a Zupitza reprint I believe - which seemed totally out of reach for me.
That was nearly thirty years ago.
Today I found this e-version.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Hair and Beard
Sunday, 19 February 2012

Roughing out is nearly done.
This afternoon it almost felt like spring, so I went outdoors. An hour later, we had hail and snow.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Vanuatu Ambrym Island - part 2 (North)
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Besette swin-licum

"...adorned with boar-figures..."
Beowulf l.1453
[i.e. his wondrous helmet]
The two curls which I carved today represent boar's tusks that demonstrate status and age. This reminds one of the Beowulfian boar-helmets l.1328, the boar-spears [eofer-spreotum] l.1437, Hrothgar's boar banner l.2152 [eafor heafodsegn]and more.
More about boars and Anglo-Saxon
More about Vanuatu and pigs
Thesis about Vanuatu, slit drums, status and prestige. [In Dutch/Flemish]
Click for another image from the Metmuseum
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Atingting - the beginning

This illustration came from a series of late seventies magazines called Distant Peoples (Verre volken)which I found on the local flea market
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